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Agent Freak Nasty’s Monthly Intelligence Report
Don’t forget to share with your friends or just tell them to go to ANY SEARCH ENGINE and type Agent Freak Nasty for more of that #SpookPorn. You can also follow me on TWITTER @laconic93
We got a LOT to go over for this last month, the first one is that CIA Whistle Blower Robert David Steele has supposedly have died this weekend. I am subscribed to his newsletter and got this in my email box on August 30th. Now the ODD thing is he supposedly died of CON JOB-19 after getting a TEST? See:
Because JUST 1 week ago he released this video on his website saying the TEST ITSELF is poisonous.
— Panther's Den | Information Warfare ….Q- (@laconic93) August 21, 2021
Now, remember that ONE DIRTY PROSECUTOR who tried to set up #agentfreaknasty? Yeah that MF[ Mark Lindquist The Grand Wizard ], remember when I told you when is the last time you saw a lawyer do something for FREE. I knew right then for SURE CON-JOB was a scam if his CLOWN ass was involved. So could he die of CON-JOB 19 10 days after broadcasting that the TEST ITSELF is poisonous?
OfficialMcAfee posted👇. Double meaning~>Why is STEEL [E] so important? They are Alive.😎🇺🇸🦅
— PatriotCharlie (@PatriotCharlie1) September 1, 2021
If you would have been reading the Google Agent Freak Nasty Weekly Intelligence reports you would have known that five months ago….que-
— Panther's Den | Information Warfare ….Q- (@laconic93) August 6, 2021
From the Book Presidental Puppetry which was written around 2015 WAY BEFORE the SCAMDEMIC. Are you Connecting the DOTS yet rookie????….#Agentfeaknasty
Jude Sullivans Son, the same corrupt judge that prosecuted General Flynn was at the January 6th Capital Riots along with undercover FBI & DEA Bitches
If You remember it was Lynn Wood Whistleblower who accused Judge Sulivan was raping his OWN grandchildren. See:
Everybody with half a brain knows Trump was set up by the deep state, so I’m not going to go more into it.
Presential Puppetry….. Great Book
Remember Judge Joe Brown told us Obama was a CIA Agent implanted by the Bush Crime Family. Well, this book goes into more detail.
I will be reading through the book later and drop some BOMBS on your ass. In the meantime watch, judge joe brown explains how we all got PUNKED with Obama. Meet the NEW BOSS, same as the OLD BOSS….Que-
Agent Freak Nasty Catches BIG MIKE In A Straight Lie
Yall Niggas did know that BOTH MIKE & KARMALA THE HOE are BOTH DUDES right????….#agentfreaknasty
UPDATE 1/6/2022
#CIABABE Kamala The HOE Harris RATS HERSELF and OBAMA OUT to Dave Chappelle
In this PRICELESS video Dave Chappelle explains THAT ONE TIME he met Kamala THE HOE Harris while she was still Attorney General in California and She told him to CALL UP HER BUDDY she went to COLLEGE with that is Running for PRESIDIENT… who just so happened to be Barak Obama. THATS ODD… When you GOOGLE what colleges they both went to NONE OF THEM MATCH, DO THEY????
Dave Chappelle Answer Questions From Audience || Dave Chappelle Q/A Session – YouTube Starts at minute 20:00
First lets Google and find out what Colleges Obama went to, and we find easily he went to Occidental, Columbia, and Harvard., Now lets check #CIABABE Kamala The Hoe Harris.
Super CIA SPOOK Dr. Steve Pieczenick Tried to tell us in 2020 she was a CIA BITCH , didn’t he?? And if we go to our HANDY DANDY Q DECODER RING and type in FARM WORK, what do we get????
Remember Judge Joe Brown already told us OBAMA’s mother and grandmother were CIA AGENTS connected to the BUSH FAMILY. THE FARM is the code name of the CIA AGENT TRAINING FACILITY. BOOMSHAKALA!!!!
love it! envious of #CIABabe #KamalaHarris same story as #Obama check it out.
— Steve Pieczenik (@StevePieczenik) August 12, 2020
"The Deal" has been confirmed.
— Annie Lotto (@Non_MSM_News) August 12, 2020
KAMALA THE HOE HARRIS #CIABABE.____Courtesy of Agent Freak Nasty
At the end of the video Judge Joe Brown states that when Bush Game BIG MIKE a piece of candy it was an INSIDE JOKE because it was the SAME KIND OF CANDY he uses to give Obama when he was a child. Now WATCH THIS video of BIG MIKE when she was questioned about the candy given to her by George Bush AFTER the John MCSHITSTAIN funeral.
Now watch this video and watch how BIG MIKE lies and said she just happen to look over and ask for a COP DROP, then look at the funeral video and watch how bush walks down the aisle and reaches in his pocket to hand her another piece of candy. BUSTED…Man IT HE OR SHE is a pretty good liar huh????, I guarantee you that was a prepped and rehearsed question….que-
Surprise, Ronald Regan was a FBI SNITCH & Flaming HomoSexual/ Racist
Remember I deducted that Prosecutor Mark Lindquist is a CIA Clown and CIA Robert Steele told us the CIA recruits agents right out of college and places them in important positions all around the country. We have a new confirmation.
Obama, Bill Gates, and Prince Al-Sal-DOPEY-Prince are all Butt Buddies, Connect the dots.
So let me get this straight, Obamma met the Same SOUCHBAG Prince who owned the TOP FLOORS of the Mandaly Bay along with BILL GATES. Im sure its just a COICENSE…..#Agentfreaaknasty
NSA.GOVVVVVVVVVV#NavalIntellegence#COONSQUAD— Panther's Den | Information Warfare ….Q- (@laconic93) August 9, 2021
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Now that you know Obama is a CI A clown is it a little CLEARER to you why Beverly Eckert Died in an airplane crash HE GAVE her tickets for? And not only THAT, Alison De Georges the lady that accused Bill Clinton and the Clowns of being involved with the Rwanda Genocide. What a coincidence!!!!!
I will concede to th4e clowns on the creation of Obama, they PUNKED the entire planet INCLUDING the entire US military with that HOPE & CHANGE CON-JOB19 PLAN….#Agentfreaknasty
— Panther's Den | Information Warfare ….Q- (@laconic93) August 9, 2021
Iran and Israel are really ALLIES.
I have deducted with reasoning and came to the conclusion that the CONCEPT OF COUNTRIES is really the CONCEPT OF FARMS, and we are the cattle. Think about it like this, how did all the countries ALL AT ONCE make marijuana illegal around 1913 if there wasn’t ONE CENTRAL POWER?? How could they run the CON JOB 19 scam WORLDWIDE if there wasn’t ONE CENTRAL POWER??? In one of the early Q Post, they said WW1 and WW2 were psyops ran by the select families to make us kill and DEPOLULATE ourselves. If you fast forward to 911 and see how the CIA conned our ENTIRE MILITARY to go to war and kill Muslims who had NOTHING to do with 911? So the SAME way they are using Iran and Israel to get our dumb asses to go over there and fight and die for that George POPPY Bush Oil money. It’s ALL A SCAM!
Dr. Steve Pieczenik on #AIPAC #Hamas #Mossad – YouTube
In that Youtube video, Dr. Pieczenick explains how Iran and Israel are really BUTT BUDDIES.
Good Video By David Steeles site on how entire populations are mind-controlled.
Mirror: MASS PSYCHOSIS – How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL
It ain't not BIG DEAL into that HOE SQUEALS…..que-#SpookPorn
In closing, our source added that at least six witnesses, including Gates’ ex-wife Melinda, are expected to testify against Gates on August 23.— Panther's Den | Information Warfare ….Q- (@laconic93) August 13, 2021
Add me here if you are on Telegram in case my BAT SIGNAL goes out on Twatter and Facecrook
Adam Shit For Brains Executed at Gitmo? #Spookporn
Schiff “cried like a baby” during the Humvee ride to the spot that would mark his execution. “He begged for his life like a bitch,” our source said.
Is Religion a Government Sponsored MK-ULTRA Mind Control System???? You Tell Me….que-
The Afghanistan Airport Psy-Op By Agent Freak Nasty
Around mid-month news started coming in about the SUPPOSED disaster at the airport in Afghanistan. They would want you to believe that it was all real, but we look closer and see that it was a setup. Most likely the Military abandoned CIA assets and employees. The entire Airport Tarmac scene was fake and impossible as you will soon see.
NOW – U.S. Army Apache combat helicopters clearing panicking Afghan civilians from the tarmac at #Kabul airport so that a C-17 plane can take
— (@disclosetv) August 16, 2021
Different perspective, same incident. Afghan civilians cling to a USAF C-17A at #Kabul airport trying to leave the
— (@disclosetv) August 16, 2021
I called on August 18 that The Miliarty left behind the CIA contractors there on purpose.
muahahaha, The Military abandoned all the CIA Bitches on purpose …Que-
— Panther's Den | Information Warfare ….Q- (@laconic93) August 19, 2021
NSA analyst and one of my TRUCKING BUDDIES Jim Stone Dot IS. Is saying the Airport scene from Kabul was a PSY-OP plane number 1109 sure does look a little off , hmm….Que-
— Panther's Den | Information Warfare ….Q- (@laconic93) August 19, 2021
You see, the military found out they got PUNKED by the CIA BITCHES in going to war in Iraq and Afghanistan and now they want PAYBACK. Excerpt from Dr. Piecenicks Book. Warrior In Crisis
The FBI and CIA BITCHES did 911 along with the Mossad BITCHES, what makes you think they do Vegas. Direct Quote from Dr. Pieczenicks Book, Warrior in Crisis. Former CIA Operative, Former Deputy Director of State. 81,000 followers on twitter, you think he made this up?
— Panther's Den | Information Warfare ….Q- (@laconic93) August 19, 2021
Here is the SMOKING GUN that the airport scene was faked. Watch carefully
must watch, The Aghan Run way scene was staged ZERO doubt it was a message to the clowns.
— Panther's Den | Information Warfare ….Q- (@laconic93) August 25, 2021
Special Message for ALL CENSOR BITCHES working for FaceBitch, Twatter, LinkedIn, Google, and all other tech companies from Agent Freak Nasty.
TOP SECRET 🤫 message for the [C]Lowns [I]n [A]merica courtesy of #Agentfreaknasty— Panther's Den | Information Warfare ….Q- (@laconic93) August 26, 2021
And since most of you CENSOR BITCHES are under the Payroll of the CLOWNS this message is directed at you MF too, enjoy GITMO BITCHES!
This is basically how I looked after dealing with all the DIRTY COPS, RATS AND LAWYERS in Tacoma Washington, Click on the Picture for a TOP SECRET message….que-
#SpookPorn Advertising. Agent Freak Nasty Style
#Agentfreaknasty HARD at Work,
— saul meshach (@laconic93) August 28, 2021