Agent GPFN Q Decodes


Since most people don’t have time to watch a 4-hour lecture I decided to do it for you and drop the highlights. This lecture is from Dr. Bill Deagle a supposed Mega Genius with an IQ of 220 who worked in the Government’s most HIGHLY CLASSIFIED Programs. You can watch the full video below and also go through my notes below. Enjoy and let me know what you think. Mind-Blowing to say the least. #Agentgreaknasty



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Oklahoma Murrah Buildings were blown up with Micro Nukes by ATF AND FBI Agents

IN 1995 he treated Operators who worked on the Bombing of the Murrah Federal Buildings In Oklahoma. The operator confessed to him that the building was blown up with micro nukes by ATF and FBI agents. He also said the WTC buildings were taken down also. Minute 5:00 To minute 7:00


#agentfreaknasty  notes: It has long been rumored that the Building was blown up because the FBI office there was investigation Bill and Hillary Clinton. One of the witnesses  JUST LIKE the Vegas shooting witnesses were murdered including this police officer who was going to be a whistle blower. If you didn’t know by now, Bill Clinton and Obama were CIA agents before they became president. Bill Clinton Ran drugs through Arkansas for the CIA and Obama was bred from birth to be a Manchurian Candidate for the Bush Crime family.  See :


Oklahoma City 1995 – The False Flag Bombing of the Clinton Era

Yet two new books seek to prove Clinton has been corrupting the US judicial system ever since he first tasted power. The Secret Life of Bill Clinton by British journalist Ambrose Evans-Pritchard and The Impeachment of William Jefferson Clinton by American magazine editor R Emmett Tyrrell Jr, both present compelling evidence that Bill and Hillary Clinton rose to the White House on the back of an Arkansas mafia with links to drugs and gun-running.

In the summer of 1984, Jane Parks was asked to give Roger Clinton a room in the block of flats she managed. For the next six months, she listened and her husband taped Roger Clinton’s sexual liaisons and drug deals. Jerry Parks amassed hours of damaging material, which included Roger liaising with Colombian drug cartels, and his half-brother Bill joining him for sex and drug parties.

If even half the claims made by Evans-Pritchard and Emmett Tyrrell Junior are true, Bill Clinton could be the first real gangster to have become President of the United States.

#AgentFreakNasty Notes  If you want to read more on how Bill Clinton Drug Dealing CIA agent became President of the United States here is an excellent article by Whitney Webb from Mintpress News..


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Secret underground Miltary Cities under Colorada Air Force Base 50th Space Wing – Schriever AFB

Dr. Bill Deagle said there is a secret military city underground of Schriever AFB in 2008. NOTICE now it’s called the 50th Space Wing after Trump created the Space Force. This underground city a quarter mile down contains the world’s most advanced quantum computers that eclipse all other computing power on earth. Minute 8 through

Project Omega the Super Intelligence Unit that Controls it All.

Minute 17 Project Omega was finished by George Herber Walker Bush and is located in one of the secret cities underneath Colorado. It not only controls all the planet’s secret agencies like the FBI, CIA, Mossad, MI6 FSU, but it controls our OFF WORLD facilities and our secret space fleet. It also is control of our most advanced technologies and secrets.

Dr. Fauci was behind the HIV Spread that was weaponized to take out 185 human species in Africa.

Minute 22:00 to 24:00

politics dr fauci Memes & GIFs - Imgflip


#AgentfreakNasty Notes: I knew CON-JOB 19 was a scam from the beginning, ESPECIALLY when I found out my ARCH ENEMY Google[ Mark Lindquist The Grand Wizard] was given out FREE TEST. When is the last you saw a lawyer do ANYTHING FOR FREE? See:

Mark Lindquist COVID 19


Chemtrails contain intelligent Micro-Organism that is from another planet. Minute 32:00

#Agent Freak Nasty Notes These chemtrails are part of the NWO population control. In other words, we are being sprayed like cockroaches.

SC Johnson


102nd Airborn Is In Israel guarding all their Nuclear Weapons To Prevent them from Attacking Israel

Minute 38:00

Saudi Arabia has a secret Nuclear Missle Launch Site that can hit most of the planet.

#AgentfreakNasty Notes If you have been following for a while you would already know that Saudi Arabia ADMITTED on live TV to possessing Nuclear Weapons and has in fact used one in Yemen.



Saudi Arabia Nukes Yemen

And for all of you NUMB NUTZ who have no clue about nuclear weapons and claim this was a normal explosion Unless you have a Physics Degree and are a UN Weapons inspector like Jeff Smith then SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE…I’m just saying….que-

Gordon:  If Germany and Japan have covert nuclear weapons programs, what is the IAEA’s secret list, you know, other than Israel? What nations were sold stolen nuclear pits taken from the Pantex facility?
Jeff Smith:  Most likely there are several other countries that are involved in this nuclear conspiracy including Ukraine, Koreas N and S, Taiwan, India, Brazil, Argentina, South Africa, Saudi, ETC. It starts to put the context on the stolen US nuclear pits and just how big the operation was or is and why they took out Roland Carnaby in Houston. Israel is the open back door (the elephant in the room) to getting around IAEA NNP. They bribe everybody with small tactical nukes to keep them in line and vote against the Palestinians.
Gordon:  You say Israel uses tactical nukes as party favors? Who are their stooges in Washington, not just congress, but those involved directly in the theft of nuclear weapons? J

Jeff Smith:  This is why they will never sign the NNP treaty or ever allow inspection. Richardson’s role at DOE under Clinton is now becoming more interesting. Along with Tom Countryman’s head of NNP at State. This explains why the FBI watched him so closely.


Depleted Uranium George Bush had  been dumping it on the Middle East and North America For Five Weeks

Stated that Doctors are 1000 more corrupt than politicians, which would explain why so many doctors didn’t say anything about CON JOB 19. He also interferes with that  it is destroying our genetics what will last 40 billion years After the 2003 bombing middle east, they created a huge cloud of depleted uranium and dropped it on North America to contaminate California and Texas Minute 47

#AgentFreakNasty Notes: I wrote in my previous intelligence report about how Israel nuked itself with depleted uranium that will cause its extinction by the year 2030 due to its effect on male sperm. See:  

Also, notice the news states there is a mystery why there is a BIG SPERM decline in the NORTHERN Hemisphere Only Now,  you know why DONT YOU?


Oh and GUESS WHAT????, most of the water in the United States including California and Texas is contaminated with UNRAINUM. WHaaaaa a Coinicdense!!!!

Californians aren’t the only ones impacted. Uranium is showing up more frequently in drinking water near farming regions in the Western U.S. Roughly two million people in California and in the U.S. Midwest live less than half a mile from groundwater containing dangerous uranium levels, University of Nebraska researchers said.


And don’t forget this beauty. Watch the Mayor of Houston lying her ass off about radiation in the Houston Water Supply


Project Omega is located in an underground city in Colorada and oversees all the world’s intelligence


Minute 1hr 11. I oversee the FBI, DEA, and DOJ drug-running programs and global depopulation programs. All the advanced hidden technology and off-world space fleets/.. They also have control of anti-aging technology and cures for most of the world’s diseases.

The Mossad has 26 nuclear weapons hidden in US cities for Black Mail,

He stated that one of the cities was Los Angeles. Remember that nighttime raid of Las Angeles by special forces a few years ago? The rumor then as they were removing a biological weapon of mass destruction.


Mind Control and Mind Influencing Weapons

The use of Government-wide mind control weapons is so bad, they need to change the constitution to include FREEDOM OF THOUGHT. Quote Doctor Robert Duncan who released this classified picture of a mind control Mind Alternating HAARP device he worked on in the ’90s I HIGHLY recommend you watch some of Doctor Rober Duncans Lectures on Youtube.  You can find more information about Government Mind Control Weapons at my Blog here:


One of the CIA’s Top MK-Ultra scientists was Doctor Cameron. He is the monster that tortured children and had them have sex with US Government officials so he could blackmail the Government for more funding.

Another of the MKULTRA subprojects, Operation Midnight Climax, consisted of a web of CIA-run safehouses in San Francisco, Marin, and New York which were established in order to study the effects of LSD on unconsenting individuals. Prostitutes on the CIA payroll were instructed to lure clients back to the safehouses, where they were surreptitiously plied with a wide range of substances, including LSD, and monitored behind one-way glass. Several significant operational techniques were developed in this theater, including extensive research into sexual blackmail, surveillance technology, and the possible use of mind-altering drugs in field operations.

In the aftermath of the Congressional hearings, major news media mainly focused on sensationalistic stories related to LSD, “mind-control”, and “brainwashing”, and rarely used the word “torture”. This suggested that the CIA researchers were, as one author put it, “a bunch of bumbling sci-fi buffoons”, rather than a rational group of men who had run torture laboratories and medical experiments in major U.S. universities; they had arranged for torture, rape and psychological abuse of adults and young children, driving many of them permanently insane.[136

#Agentfreaknasty notes They took out the part about Dr. Cameron using children for blackmail EPSTEIN Style See:


#Agentfreaknasty notes. BUSTED!!!! The CIA BITHCES removed the part about him raping childing in the WIKI article. I have the same quote from my other blog. This is how the link looks today. Time stamp 5/23/2021

CIA Doctor Cameron



This is how the link USE o look until I called out their BITCH asses on my other blog. Over the TARGET Much????

Supposedly Doctor Cameron Died in an accident in 1967 but not according to Dr. Beagle. He was still given lectures to CIA Mind Spooks well into the 70’d The CIA would have a GOOD Damn reason to fake his death since he murdered raped and tortured children. See 1hr minute 35


The Matrix is real.

Using Top Secret Super Computers the US Government has created a virtual world of our OWN PLanet that includes every car every human every building and every animal and is only off by less than half a centimeter of the real world. A glitch in the matrix anyone?  Minute 1:38. Remember this video was done in 2008 we could EASILY be in some type of Matrix right now. If you read my thread on Navy Intentelliece officer William Cooper found here

 They Plan to engineer Tsunamis in the Asian Region

And RIGHT ON QUE! A Tsumia hits the Japanese coast in 2011. If you read my blog you will know that the Tsunami that hit Fukushima was NOT caused by an earthquake. It was caused by nuclear bombs being set off off the coast of Japan. First, read this: Hour 1hr minute 45

Now look at the damage that was caused by the KOBE Japanee earthquake that was only a 7.2

1995 Kobe earthquake, Japan. The 1995 Great Hanshin Earthquake (M ...Kobe earthquake 1995 Japan Stock Photo - Alamy


Now let’s go back and look at the damage BEFORE the Tsumani hit the Japanese Coast. Not even one shingle is loose, Not even the cards are moved from their parking lines. A 9.0 earthquake should have completely Destroyed Northern Japan, but yet not even a brick fell. How can this be if it was the greatest earthquake in history? Fukushima was sabotaged on purpose and I believe it was part of the world depopulation agenda. See:

Morgellons and NanoTech Vaccines

Earlier the Doctor mentioned that we were being sprayed via chem-trails with Micro-Organism from off-world planets. At around hour 1:57, he mentions a silicon-based intelligence called Morgellons that can be injected into your bloodstream to control. You. I did a little more digging and found this article.


Notice the article mentions these are OFF Planet microorganisms.

The controllers KNEW where this electronic mind control was going beginning with the work of Delgado in the 1950s. They knew that it would all be achievable via EMF delivery.  I suspect these self-replicating Morgellons nano machine technologies and devices they have put in perhaps 100% of all Western people may not necessarily be of human origin.  There may be some off-planet collusion.

Notice they also say they are giving it us via CHEMTRAILS, and EXACT match of what the Dr. said earlier in the lecture.

These extremely advanced and sophisticated nanodevices, or ‘machines’, are now very likely infecting (infesting) all humans and animals by now.  Means of dispersal into humans, and all living things, ranging from chemtrails, to drinking water to the air you breathe and by eating common food – which has been shown to be loaded with these microscopic nanofibers. The fibers have even been found in fast food ‘chicken nuggets ‘

I know, personally, people who are infested.  I have seen the fibers moving with my own eyes. These nano ‘machines’ take many forms and colors and somehow, we believe, connect and interact with human chromosomes and DNA. And the human brain. These devices receive and send information. The control of humankind is now essentially complete

When the fibers – and other forms – get close to the surface of the skin, they cause agonizing itching and pain. More than a few Morgellons victims are said to have committed suicide over the grief. Furthermore, to this date, I know of not a SINGLE autopsy done on an advanced Morgellons victim. All the bodies are cremated, whether the family approves or not.

I am now going to show you some images, most of which came from the heroic work of my friend Jan Smith who spent years extracting, photographing and cataloging the bizarre devices she extracted from her beleaguered body.




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Morgellons Nanotechnology Now Inside Most Everyone

Sending-Receiving Nano Fibers And Nano Devices Inside Your Body
Psychotronic Mass Mind Control Via Cell Towers,
The New 5G, Smart Phones, Satellites, TVs And Chemtrails

By Jeff Rense
Exclusive To

Take a close look at the FOIA ‘leak’ about mass mind control at the top of rense or click  Here .  It looks like someone with a conscience leaked it.

This is s perfect match for the 30 years I’ve been watching and studying EMF and the psychotronic stealth move to TOTAL control. Here is your answer as to why Europe essentially laid down and allowed the Arabs and black Africans to be forced on them. The controllers are also lacing foods, especially dairy products, with ‘feel good warm and fuzzy oxytocin.  Search it on rense.

From GWEN to satellites to ground stations, the entire cellular grid, and the ELECTRIC grid…all of these are platforms are and can be used NOW to emit control frequencies that interface with these ‘Morgellons’ nano-tech machines now in the human body.

The controllers KNEW where this electronic mind control was going beginning with the work of Delgado in the 1950s. They knew that it would all be achievable via EMF delivery.  I suspect these self-replicating Morgellons nanomachine technologies and devices they have put in perhaps 100% of all Western people may not necessarily be of human origin.  There may be some off-planet collusion.

I’ve done over 50 programs on Morgellons usually with the heroic Morgellons sufferer and citizen scientist, Jan Smith.  We’ve presented and posted hundreds of photos (and videos) of nanofibers and other nanodevices…most of which Jan extracted from lesions on her own body.   She became extremely proficient with her microscope and learned to photograph these nightmares under high resolution and then began making her own videos of them.  Her website, The House That Morgellons Built, has been inactive for years now and has been stripped of virtually every photograph and video that used to be there.  I have not been able to contact this extremely brave and fearless woman for a number of years now and I fear the worst has happened.  As it does to so many Morgellons sufferers over time.

These extremely advanced and sophisticated nanodevices, or ‘machines’, are now very likely infecting (infesting) all humans and animals by now.  Means of dispersal into humans, and all living things, ranging from chemtrails to drinking water to the air you breathe and by eating common food – which has been shown to be loaded with these microscopic nanofibers. The fibers have even been found in fast-food ‘chicken nuggets ‘

I know, personally, people who are infected.  I have seen the fibers moving with my own eyes. These nano ‘machines’ take many forms and colors and somehow, we believe, connect and interact with human chromosomes and DNA. And the human brain. These devices receive and send information. The control of humankind is now essentially complete

When the fibers – and other forms – get close to the surface of the skin, they cause agonizing itching and pain. More than a few Morgellons victims are said to have committed suicide over the grief. Furthermore, to this date, I know of not a SINGLE autopsy done on an advanced Morgellons victim. All the bodies are cremated, whether the family approves of not.

I am now going to show you some images, most of which came from the heroic work of my friend Jan Smith who spent years extracting, photographing, and cataloging the bizarre devices she extracted from her beleaguered body.

The first photo is of a massive clump of nanofibers extracted from one of the Morgellons lesions on Jan’s body. This is not photoshop or a joke.

This is a prime visual example of Morgellons fibers.  Remember, these fibers are ‘alive’ in the sense that they MOVE and operate under intelligent control
of some kind.  I repeat, they are self-replicating, internal, nano-based, piezo-electric (?) control devices that receive and send information interfacing with one or more of the following platforms… satellites, cell towers, the electric wiring in your home, GWEN, the van parked down the block, and HAARP.   And then there is 5G…which will obviously be a primary means of interacting with Morgellons machines once deployed.

Below is a typical new, ‘budding’ skin lesion with nanofibers…

These fibers all MOVE in the bodies of those who are infected.  It is an agonizing situation to have to face…especially when doctors
tell the sufferers that they are suffering from Delusional Parasitosis.

The following copyrighted images are of things Jan removed from her own body. She was completely penetrated by ‘machines’ like these…she was almost a ‘factory’ for them.   She had to have both knees replaced and in each case (months apart) the surgeons came to her afterward and asked her if she had any idea why the center of her knee joints was loaded with countless thousands of tiny colored fibers.  You can go back in our Program Archives and hear Jan talking about her battle with Morgellons and the shameful rejections she suffered from scientists and the medical community.

Yes, the following items, also from Jan’s body, are ILLUMINATED by some kind of nanotech piezo-electric interface likely using the human body’s own electric energy to power these tiny devices.

Again, the following nanomachines were all removed from Jan’s skin lesions. Note the commonly found hexagonal shapes that are easily observable.

And I repeat…they ARE illuminated and glowing with light…

This next one is amazing. A hexagonal nano machine FOLDED UP and then UNfolded on the far right to reveal a glowing golden surface…

This one below was also pulled out of an open-skin lesion on her body. You can see some kind of an ID number that this mass grew on its own surface.

These gray masses are often called ‘plaques’ and are always found in Morgellons skin lesions. I believe these items can and are found throughout the bodies of all Morgellons victims

It is also believed by many that these skin lesions (that do not scab over and heal) may be an effort by the body’s immune system to expel the nanodevices out through the skin. Notice a large number of fibers easily visible in these (and all) plaques.



This a whole nother rabbit hole on remote mind control weapons accidentally released by the Government in a FOIA request.

Other pages in the document depict supposed forms of the technology, including “mass and individual remote mind control via the mobile phone network and mobile phones,” as well as “individual and group remote mind control via ‘black’ helicopter carrying psychotronic weapons.”

You can download the file yourself here:

We are all breathing 4 times the amount of depleted nano Uranium particles than is allowed by Uranium Miners

Earlier the Doctor said they dumped a bunch of depleted Uranium on North America For those who have a hard time believing that, I  can prove to you it wasn’t the first time. In the 50’s Eisenhower dropped 1500 more times of radiation on Washington State than was released at the three-mile island In Operation Green Run.


The formally classified report Dissolving of Twenty Day Metal at Hanford states that Hanford officials initially planned to release approximately 4,000 curies of iodine-131 and 7,900 curies of xenon-133 but ended up releasing in actuality 7,780 curies of iodine-131, along with 20,000 curies of xenon-133 into the surrounding area’s atmosphere within a seven-hour period. [1] In comparison, the March 1979 Three Mile Island accident released between 15 and 24 curies of radioactive iodine. The Green Run operation remained classified and unbeknownst by the public until 1986 when the release of 19,000 formally classified documents became available through the Freedom of Information Act.

And remember this was BEFORE Fukushima so there is no telling how much we and our children are breathing. Remember the doctor said it looks like a Christmas tree ball? Look at the picture below. We know that EVER BODY at least in Seattle was breathing in five of those a day. Probably the entire Northern Hemisphere.See:

The particle can turn into cancer 5 10 15 or 20 years from now. And we ALL at a nuclear SHIT Sandwich. MURICA!!!!!!


Humans have 23 genes that do not appear on any other mammal or primate on Earth

Hour 3:42 Basically what he is trying to say here is that humans are genetically engineered from aliens or we are interbred with aliens take your pick.

This would make a lot of sense since we appear to be more intelligent than every other species on the planet unless we killed off our rivals long ago.


Update 6/14/2021

This is a hell of a video by David Wilcock that Cross-References a lot of information found in my intelligence reports, regarding the secret space program and aliens.


The presenter speaks a lot about Vaccines and the globalist plan to inject us with Nano-particles and mind control bots. I did not go into this because its’ lengthy. Some of the biggest revelations were that he did confirm UFOs or UAV’s and confirmed there are human bases on the moon and mars. Which reminded me of this Google Earth or Mars video that Google claimed was an April Fools Joke, Only PROBLEM Is they didn’t say that until MONTHS after someone discovered it. Go figure…..# Agent Freak Nasty

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