What is CBD oil and where can I find it in Ohio?
CBD oil in Ohio is a plant medicinal chemical that humans have used for thousands of years. CBD comes from the marijuana or hemp plant. It is one of the 112 Cannabinoids found in the hemp plant. It is important to note that cannabis plant is not the same as the hemp plant but CBD and other beneficial compounds like cannflavins A & B can be obtained from either one.
Many physicians, scientists, and other researchers believe that many health benefits can be reaped when CBD is combined with, Terpenes Flavonoids and other Cannabinoids such as CBG and CBN.
So, where to buy CBD oil in Ohio?
Medically Minded CBD Online.
Is CBD Oil Legal in Oil Ohio?
The Ohio House of Representatives on July 17 passed Senate Bill 57 legalizing the sale of CBD and the growing of hemp. This is great for farmers and for people wanting to try CBD for medicinal purposes.
In 2018 President Trump along with Congress passed the farm bill. This cleared the way for Ohio to legalize it also even though the current state law makes marijuana illegal.
Last August the Ohio Pharmacy board issued rulings saying that hemp-derived products were only legal if you had a state issued medical marijuana card which caused CBD products to be pulled from the shelves.
Buy CBD Online In Ohio
Using CDB in Ohio
“Let it sit there for a few minutes, and then you can drink or swallow if you like ” Christine said, describing how she uses CBD, or cannabidiol. Christine tried using CBD after years battling ulceration colitis with prescription drugs. Raised in a strict Christian home, Christine said the fact CBD comes from a cousin of the cannabis plant called hemp, which does not produce the euphoric high, made no difference the first time she decided try CBD oil drops at her office
“Within 15 minutes I was experiencing more medicinal relief than I had in probably twenty years,” Baldwin said. “It was like this sense of calm and just, my gut calmed down. My muscles were relaxed, and I was just like, ‘Oh my goodness. Wow. This is it. This is something that works for me .”
It’s that kind of information that has customers looking for information about CBD at Day’s Cleveland Heights Pharmacy.”There’s a lot of patients asking questions, for sure,” Jared Baines said
But Jared a pharmacist, is having a tough time providing answers, since Ohio’s Board of Pharmacy announced last fall that products containing CBD can only be sold in medical marijuana dispensaries for patients approved by a doctor. When lawmakers created the state’s medical marijuana program, they made no distinction between CBD and marijuana.
“It’s tough for me as an Ohio pharmacist because here in the state of Ohio, the state Board of Pharmacy says that CBD is still considered a schedule one substance,” Jared said
Even if that wasn’t the situation, Jared cautions anyone curious about CBD to do their research, since CBD products are not currently regulated by the FDA.
“It’s not necessarily a cure-all for every type of disease,” he said. “The amount of dosage they claim it is on the label.”
Christine agrees it can be hard to find the right CBD product that works for your particular condition, but she said her own experience using CBD oil is proof the pursuit is worth the effort of trying.
“When you live with inflammation and chronic pain, it affects you in more ways than most people know,” Christine said. “Most days I felt the way most people did. My nails and hair were not growing well. You know, my complexion wasn’t very good.” Then, CBD Oil entered my life.
“I’m so healthy. I mean, my hair grow. My nails grow faster than I ever knew that it could. So, it’s definitely made a huge difference,” Christine said. “I haven’t been on any prescription medications, any big pharma medications for about a year-and-a-half she stated.”
While it’s technically illegal to buy CBD products outside medical marijuana dispensaries in Ohio and it is legal to purchase from online sites like Red Emperor CBD, some stores are selling them. Also, a bill working its way through the statehouse in Columbus could make sales more widespread.
CBD products are legal and available at many businesses west and south of Cleveland. In the future, people living Kentucky should start seeing certain CBD products for sale at CVS Stores and Walgreen’s. The same will be the case at CVS stores in the neighboring state of Indiana.
Red Emperor CBD Products in Ohio
Red Emperor CBD products can be found online and you can conveniently order our products to be delivered directly to your door. You will have peace of mind knowing that you are getting lab tested third party CBD products that you can verify by scanning the package with your smartphone.