Top 10 Responses to CBD’s Acceptance in the Forensics Community
How accepted is CBD use in the forensics world? By Reddit
I think everyone is well aware marijuana and any form of THC are pretty much a career killer in the field of forensics, but what about CBD? I’ve been considering taking it strictly for back pain but I don’t want to jeopardize my career. I know that it’s kind of a gray area and I have zero intention of using any form of THC as I begin my forensics career in just a few days.
Forensic labs are generally zero-tolerance places. Seeing as you are going to be drug tested and it is highly probable that CBD products will have some amount of THC in them and that amount of Delta 8 THC is probably going to be detectable on a said drug test I would say no. Those products aren’t regulated by the FDA, so much like vitamin supplements, you have basically no idea what is actually in them. Sure, testing facilities will have cutoffs in an attempt to avoid false positives but do you really want to take that risk? I wouldn’t.
Well, I guess that settles that then! I won’t exactly be working in a forensics lab. I’m going into accident reconstruction.
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In addition to drug testing, you may need to answer questionnaires or take polygraphs where you’re asked about your drug history with delta 8. Those questions may include CBD, depending on the agency.
I worked in the UK as a drug examiner for 14+ years. I have never been drugs tested (even with a screening team working down the corridor), and have never even seen a polygraph, I don’t think they’re even used in any serious capacity here.
Each agency is different. I work in a state where marijuana uses us legal. I cannot use it nor any CBD products per departmental policy.
But if you were prescribed its use, that might be the way around it. I’d consult the job description, agency policies, and speak with your physician.
Slightly off with this, I have used CBD for my back injury and I was able to stop opioids. It has been a miracle drug. If you ever change course in life reconsider it. I have also taken it at work and so have other fellow employees.
My recent job (crime scene) asked on my questionnaire and polygraph about wholesale D8 Vapes specifically. I’ve never done it and admittedly don’t know much about it so I don’t know if it would of exactly be a deal breaker for them, but I guess if I was you I would ask myself, “would this be worth possibly not getting a job”
Well I’m going into the private sector, no law enforcement. It’ll be accident reconstruction and a very small private company but if it’s going to be a problem in the future I’m just not going to worry about it. Just pop some ibuprofen and be on with my life.
Top ten most viewed articles on the medicolegal aspects of alcohol, THC, and nicotine. I have published 100 articles over the last 7 years and you can view my most popular articles.
Since 2013 in the Italian market has been introduced Nabiximols, a drug containing two of the main active cannabinoids: Δ(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ(9)-THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). This drug has been approved in Italy in the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis (MS). It is an oral spray formulation and each puff of 100μl contains 2.7mg of Δ(9)-THC and 2.5mg of CBDA and CBGA. In the present study, we analyzed urine and blood samples collected from a group of 20 patients treated with Nabiximols in order to evaluate: blood Δ(9)-THC concentrations in relation to the dose administered and the duration of treatment and the potentiality of this medication to be used for drug habit.
Methods: The study was conducted on a sample group of patients affected by MS, of both sexes, age: 49-61 years, treated with Nabiximols for short (28 days) or long-term. The results of our study allow affirming that it is unlikely to use this medication for a drug habit or to sell it in the black market because of the low blood concentrations available and of its high costs. These statements were confirmed by: (a) the low Δ(9)-THC concentrations in the pharmaceutical formulation; (b) the low blood concentrations produced by Nabiximols administration, more than 10 times smaller than the blood concentrations known to produce psychotropic effects; (c) the presence of CBD (Δ(9)-THC natural antagonist); (d) the route of administration (inhaled, not smoked).