Wholesale delta 8 THC Disposable Supplies
Frequently Asked Questions About Delta 8 THC
What is Delta 8 THC?
Delta 8-THC, also known as Delta 8-Tetrahydrocannabinol, is an innovative cannabinoid derived from hemp. It possesses psychoactive effects and can induce euphoria similar to the properties commonly associated with cannabis use. In addition, Delta 8-THC is recognized for its anti-nausea, anti-anxiety, appetite-stimulating, and stress-reducing properties.
What are the effects of Delta 8-THC?
Delta 8-THC is a relatively new cannabinoid, and there haven’t been extensive studies on its long-term effects. However, users have reported feeling relaxed, happy, uplifted, relieved, and focused when consuming Delta 8-THC.
What is Delta 9-THC?
Delta 9-THC, also known as Delta 9-Tetrahydrocannabinol, is the traditional version of THC found in marijuana. It is responsible for the psychoactive effects associated with marijuana use. Delta 9-THC is currently illegal at the federal level and in most states.
What is the difference between Delta 8-THC and Delta 9-THC?
The main difference lies in their legal status. Delta 8-THC is fully legal at the federal level and legal in 41 states, while Delta 9-THC is federally illegal and illegal in most states. Both cannabinoids produce euphoric psychoactive effects and offer various medical and recreational benefits.
What makes Delta 8-THC superior to Delta 9-THC?
Delta 8-THC is considered superior because it provides nearly all the benefits and effects of Delta 9-THC while being fully legal at the federal level and in 41 states in the United States.
How is Delta 8-THC legal to produce and sell in the USA?
Companies can legally manufacture, distribute, and sell Delta 8-THC products in the USA by using 100% hemp extract. The legality stems from the H.R.2 – Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, which classifies cannabis containing less than 0.3% Delta 9-THC as hemp, making it legal under federal law. It’s important to note that THC itself is not federally illegal; only Delta 9-THC is specifically prohibited.
What is the difference between CBD and THC?
CBD (Cannabidiol) does not possess the psychoactive effects that THC does. While CBD has numerous health benefits, it does not provide the “high” euphoric feeling associated with Delta 8 and Delta 9-THC. THC offers most, if not all, the benefits of CBD but also induces psychoactive effects.
What does “Hemp Derived THC” mean?
“Hemp Derived THC” indicates that the THC is solely derived from hemp. According to the H.R.2 – Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, hemp is legally defined as any cannabis plant containing less than 0.3% Delta 9-THC. “Hemp Derived THC” products do not use marijuana or cannabis plants with higher Delta 9-THC content.
Do you ship Delta 8-THC products to consumers in the USA?
Companies typically ship Delta 8-THC products to 41 out of the 50 United States.
Do you ship Delta 8-THC products to consumers and businesses internationally?
Yes, we ship to international countries for businesses and consumers. See this link for more information on our international shipping polices.
Is Delta 8 legal in my state?
Delta 8-THC is legal in the following states: Alabama, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. See: https://redemperorcbd.com/is-delta-8-thc-legal-in-my-state/ for more information.
Which states do you not ship Delta 8-THC products to?
Due to unfavorable hemp or CBD laws in certain states, companies typically cannot ship Delta 8-THC products to Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware, Idaho, Iowa, Mississippi, Montana, and Nebraska.
How old do you have to be to purchase Delta 8-THC?
While there are no federal regulations specifying the minimum age to purchase Delta 8-THC, state regulations generally require consumers to be 18 years or older to make a purchase online.
Is it legal to have Delta 8-THC sent through the mail?
Yes, Delta 8-THC can be legally sent through the United States Postal Service (USPS). The USPS regulations clarify that hemp products, including Delta 8-THC, can be shipped safely and legally within the United States.