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Barak Obama In North Korea working for the CIA.

I am going to start off this thread with Q Post 39 where Q asks why was Barak Obama in North Korea.

The answer to that is that North Korea is really under the control of the CIA and Barak Obama is a CIA agent installed by George Bush as explained by Judge Joe Brown.

Anonymous ID: pGukiFmX No.147588085 📁
Would it blow your mind if I told you BO has been to NK and perhaps there now?
Why did his administration do little to slow their nuclear and missile capabilities?
Who feeds NK w/ strategic intel? Iran?
What deal was done with Iran under BO?
Why was the deal sealed under a top-secret classification?
Why wasn’t Congress notified?
Why after BO left office all of a sudden NK has nukes and the tech to miniaturize for payload delivery within the US?
What about NSA CIA DI etc all confirming tech won’t be in place for 5+ years (statements made in 2016).
Why is all of this relevant and what does it tell you?
The big picture is rare.



How did NK obtain Uranium?
How did Iran obtain Uranium?
Why did BO send billions (in cash and wire) to Iran?
Why the cash component?
Was the hostage component a cover?
For what?
Could any of the cash components be handed off to other people?
How many planes carried the cash into Iran?
Did all land in Iran?
Did all land in the same location?
Why is this relevant?
Who controls NK?
Who really controls NK?
Don’t think of a single person.
Think of a powerful entity.
Why is this important?
Why are wars so important?
Who benefits?
What does hostage refer to?
Who can be held hostage and controlled by NK having miniaturized nuclear weapons?
Where is BO TODAY?
Where is VJ?
Alice & Wonderland.
Here in Q post, 50 Q reinstates that North Korea is not what it seems, that it’s controlled probably by the CIA. They use North Korea in the news cycles to keep us in constant fear and to feed the military-industrial complex with taxpayer funds to further enrich the cartels.
Define cash laundering.
What is the relationship between SA & Pakistan?
Why is this relevant?

Saudi Arabia Obtained Nuclear Weapons from Pakistan

In a previous post, I showed you the video of Saudi Arabia admitting it had nuclear weapons, where did they get them from Pakistan?

What do the JFK files infer?

That the CIA has operated unchecked since after the Second World War, and that the FBI has been their cover-up team and protector since J Edgar walked across the carpet in his office in high heel shoes.


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CIA Agent Kevin Shipp goes Anti Q and Blocks me on Twitter.

If you don’t know who Kevin Shipp is let me explain it to you. He is a former CIA agent who claims the CIA poisoned him and his family when he turned whistleblower on the crimes on the CIA. You can read his little story here.

Some of us including CIA Agent Robert David Steele have called him out as being a PHONY, a plant by the CIA to discord chaos in the white hat community. As it turns out it looks like we were right. Recently he has completely gone anti Q calling it a Psy-Op on his Twitter profile and posting this Anti-Q video.

I have long bitched about Q using religion in their post while claiming WWG1WGA because we are not all Christians, We are Muslims, Jews, Atheists, ETC. Now it seems that the CIA Is using that very theme to discredit Q calling it the ANTI-CHRIST. I strongly believe that ALL religion is government-sanctioned Mind-Control and I will dig into that a little later. But as for now, the Q community has a Delima, doesn’t it? Also in the hit video, you will notice they use Alex Jones and Jerome Corsi, both of who were called out by Q as being Mossad Bitches, and Both who disavowed Q a long time ago. Also, the video says that Q believers believe in UFO which is funny because of JUST LAST WEEK. The NY Times reported that the military was about to release information about space vehicles NOT BUILT ON EARTH. Also notice the religious PYS-OPS symbolism in the video. It’s very spooky.

Jerome Corsi_Mossad_Bitch


What it’s telling me is that the Deep State is getting nervous enough to activate a highly valued SNITCH, It’s completely obvious that Q is connected to the President there are way too many proofs. But always keep your little ANTENNAS up because Q could very well be some kind of reverse Psy-Op. I mean COME ON, turning Trump into Christ is pretty fucking Obvious somebody has an agenda….just saying.


Ed Troyer The Doofus

I have to do a thread on this motherfucker because he is a  central character to my ENTIRE STORY and plus he is running for Sheriff of Pierce County. His job before was to be the spokesman for the Pierce County Sheriff’s department. In other words, he covered up all the dirty crimes the DIRTY Pierce County cops committed including Armed Robbery and Murder and I can prove it RIGHT HERE without a doubt.  After My Grow op was robbed Ed Troyer was the one who talked to the press and covered up the FAKE BURGLARY 911 call done by their operative Carl Rubican. After the robbery took place we obtained the CAD report. Which is the official police dispatch report.


11:27:37 Have a grow op here….Need SIU

11:27:27 SIU Page Sent

11:27:46 NO Need for a phone call.. Need them to respond

16:18:12 Jail,W1 SM 56691

16:18:53 Jail,W/1M

Comment: They decided to take the kids to jail at this point even though the police saw medical marijuana cards posted all over the house.

18:34:44 Need forensics here asap

Comment: I think this is the point they discovered the money missing.

21:11:21 FINALTYPE:BIP-àNarc PRI:2p-à3, Per 72, Charges are manufacturing for now



Things that make you say hmmmmmmmmmmmm?

21:59:51 207189.448, 20 ADV, contacted by media

Comment: Police were contacted by the media. 

Notice the part where it says NO BURG, that means the original 911 call by Carl Rubicam was bogus. The two 18-year-olds at the house were my EMPLOYEES who both had medical marijuana cards to legally grow. Now, most of the news articles were scrubbed from the internet except this one. Read and NOTICE how they did not mention anything about it not being a burglary call.


Another weird thing about Ed Troyer was that he in Vegas on the SAME DAY as the Paddock shooting. If you read my Las Vegas Shooting report you will see how factions of the FBI were involved with the killings and that even Paddock’s Girlfriend got busted as an FBI agent. We also know from Ed Troyer’s history that he worked CLOSELY with the FBI during his tenure as Pierce County Snitch.

As Dirty as  Mark Lindquist is there is no fucking way that was a coincidence that he was in Las Vegas during the shootings.  Really all you have to do is look at how dirty Mark Lindquist The Grand Wizard is to know that his MAIN BUTT BOY In Pierce County isn’t just as a big douchebag as the DUMBEST Prosecutor in US History. Also, remember when I launched my SEO attack and I busted out their other Honey Trap Snitch MARIAH SCARRY she texts me back that Ed Troyer was her Daddy, I shit you not.  Think how dirty this MF would be for Pierce County with him as Sherriff and NOW Mark Lindquist working with Ambulance Chasing Firm Hermann Law Group. I mean with Mark Lindbitch controlling all the judges that could score BILLIONS!!!!, And as a matter of fact, Guess What Bitch just sued the city of Seattle for killing a black man????? TA DAAAAAA!!!!!

Mark Lindquist the Grand WIzard




Ed Troyer The Doofus



Ghislaine Maxwell Court Documents Released

There is DAMING evidence of child sexual abuse against Lawyer Alan Dershowitz, Prince Andrew, and Bill Clinton, and Looks LIke former New Mexico Governor Bill

Richardson. I will not go into more detail here, but from what I’m hearing is that Ghislaine Maxwell was the Mossad handler for the 911 art students who are suspected of planting the explosives in the twin towers. It would seem her arrest is causing a LOT of people to freak out so stay tuned.

And it seems that Prince Andrew used his blackmail influence to get Epstein out of legal trouble.

And remember there are 50 Pedo blackmail operations in EACH STATE. I found the DIPSHIT running in Washington State, can you find the one for your state?

And not only that, the elite can rape and murder our CHILDREN, and the police departments across the WHOLE country are ordered to stand down in investigating. Remember when Detective Gleason complained that Prosecutor Mark Lindquist wouldn’t prosecute a child porn case?

Nissen became so frustrated with Lindquist’s actions, including firing a longtime deputy prosecutor and refusing to prosecute a child pornography case Nissen uncovered, that she complained to The News Tribune publisher in an email and asked the newspaper to investigate Lindquist.  See:


You should read this comment from a member. It explains it perfectly that our entire lives have been a scam. Believing in the home of the free and justice for all was All An Illusion. The courts and the judicial system have been compromised ever since Hoover became FBI director in 1913.

complete blackmail

Huge Hack of Police Databases Reported By The Intercept.



CIA Uses the Voice of God Weapon and Religion To Manipulate Iraq Soldiers to Surrender.

Imagine if you will, if the CIA, used the Voice of God weapon on Religious Judges or Politicians. Imagine if you will if a Pervert Preacher used it on your wife or your children. But you don’t have to worry do you, Watson? The CIA would NEVER use a machine to beam voices into your head to make you believe it was GOD…Oh Wait

Now you know why they surrendered like BITCHES, don’t you Watson?

But know worry Watson YOUR RELIGION is safe from the Clowns In America….Q-




This is a good video to watch if you want to understand how the CIA BITCHES fucks over all the countries and then uses the media to scare you into thinking Carvana’s are coming to steal your way of life.