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Greetings, My name is James Baines IV aka Agent GrandPa Freak Nasty. I have been reading the Q anon drops since the very beginning and now that Q has been posting for over two years I thought it would be fun to go back through and Re analyzes all the drops with the new intel we have now, because like Q said… FUTURE proves PAST….Q
This first Q post dated October 28th, 2017 said that Hillary Clinton would be arrested and 20. Of course, this didn’t happen, at least not publicly. Many anons believe that some of Q’s timeline is posted in reverse. Unless she was secretly arrested and flipped as a snitch.
Qpost 2 seems to suggest that she was detained and not arrested which would make sense if you are trying to flip a mark. Next, it says to follow Huma and ask why does Trump surrounds himself with Generals. I suspect because it was planning on going to war with the deep state. It goes on to state that Trump needed to remove entrenched members of Congress and other sectors. That’s why we saw a lot of members of congress not rerunning and retiring including Paul Ryan. Later Q says control of the senate was Target.
The Arrest of Gisselle Maxwell
Yesterday HUGE news hit with the arrest of Jeffry Epstein’s Mossad Handler. This is what the Q family has been waiting for. I won’t go too much into the background here you can read the following links for some GOOD INTEL.
Gisselle Leads to the Mossad which leads to the 911 Truth. If you want to know what happened on 911, I covered it in detail here
This is a MUST READ and a MUST SHARE.
Also, you need to read this by reporter Whitney Webb on the MEGA GROUP run by Jewish Billionaires. These are the people who FINANCED 911.
Mega Group, Maxwells and Mossad: The Spy Story at the Heart of the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal
This Q post is CRITICAL because Q is trying to lead you to the path of the 911 conspirators.
He asked who or what Financed the entities. That would be THE MOSSAD BITCHES
The purpose?, to Blackmail Politicians CEOS Hollywood, and others of influence.
Maxwell Family Background is MOSSAD
All connects straight back to Israel.
Here is a list of PEDOS that Q posted yesterday.
Ok That’s it for today, I will try to do another post tomorrow. Please Share, and if you have any questions leave a comment I will answer as quickly as I can.
Agent Grandpa Freak Nasty Psychological Warfare Lesson of the day!
Keyword: Neuro-Linguistic Programming
EVERYBODY should take the time and understand how the Media Uses NLP to brainwash their Audience.
In this video, Hannity uses NLP to discredit a 911 Whistleblower.
Hah! Google/YouTube Bitches are highlighting a Story on Gisselle’s NOTICE about how they FREEZE her picture whenever she’s with TRUMP. You see when I become President THE FIRST thing I’m going to do is have the FBI arrest a Bitch that I had PEDO parties with! Yeah, that’s what I’ll do….Q-
What if I told you that Cannabis blocks mind control????
Good day hey, I’m AWAKE, now I feel good and it’s time to get BAKED….Q-
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