Dr. Richard Van Breeman

Department of Defense Reports Massive Increases in Adverse Reactions to COVID Vaccine

  The Defense Medical Epidemiology Database Reports Massive Increases In Adverse Reactions And How CBD Treats Each Disease.     CBD and Hypertension (+2181% Increase) Original Article www.healthline.com/health/cbd-for-blood-pressure#safety Hypertension (high blood pressure) can cause serious health problems such as heart attack and stroke. Many people with hypertension don’t know they have it because there are rarely any symptoms. It…

Broad Spectrum CBD Oil

CBD And Terpenes Combined Outperform COVID-19 Treatments

Health officials have complained that the panic to find a reliable Corona Virus treatment has led to “voodoo science,” marked by shaky experimentation and faulty research. And while the mainstream medical community might consider cannabis in that category, early research results indicate that the opposite is true. The Terpenes found in cannabis could play a…

Corona Virus, The Immune System and CBD

Researchers Believe CBD Could Treat & Prevent Coronovirus.

Originally Reported By https://nypost.com/2020/05/21/scientists-believe-cannabis-could-help-prevent-treat-coronavirus/ Note: RedemeporCBD makes NO claims on cannabis or CBD curing or treating Coronavirus, this article is published as news.   Scientists in Canada have big hopes on a CBD compound that can treat Coronavirus. A group of Canadian scientists believes it has found strong strains of a CBD compound found in…