Dr. Richard Van Breeman

Department of Defense Reports Massive Increases in Adverse Reactions to COVID Vaccine

  The Defense Medical Epidemiology Database Reports Massive Increases In Adverse Reactions And How CBD Treats Each Disease.     CBD and Hypertension (+2181% Increase) Original Article www.healthline.com/health/cbd-for-blood-pressure#safety Hypertension (high blood pressure) can cause serious health problems such as heart attack and stroke. Many people with hypertension don’t know they have it because there are rarely any symptoms. It…

Agent Freak Nasty

Interview with Dr. Jane Smith Plant Biologist

interview with Dr. Smith Ph.D. Plant Biologists Originally Posted 3/23/2013 12:48:58 AM   Hello, my name is James I am interviewing Dr. Jane Smith Ph.D. in plant physiology and genetics about her experience in the plant field and her thoughts about the medical marijuana industry. James:  Ok Doctor Smith I am going to start off with the…

Oregon State University Resesearch Shows CBDA & CBDG Prevents COVID-19 From Infecting Human Cells

Cannabinoids That Stop Covid CORVALLIS (Ore.) – Hemp compounds discovered by Oregon State University researchers using a chemical screening method invented at OSU have the potential to stop the virus responsible for COVID-19 from entering human cells. The Journal of Natural Products published today the findings of the study conducted by Richard van Breemen (a researcher at…