
The 11 Most Important Things You Need To know about the Current State of the Covid Vaccine

 1. Covid is not a vaccine, but a Bioweapon designed to depopulate the earth and or turn you into a Borg, controlled by AI.


2. The Vaccine consists of various poisons, unknown self-assembling parasites, and Nano Technology See Video for proof.

3. The same Nano Technology found in Vaccinated patients has been found in animals, water, food products, and even dental anesthesia.

4. This technology has been dropped from chemtrails since the 1990s. Some of this technology includes Morgellons which is a synthetic lifeform designed for depopulation. See:

Testing rain water to discover the levels of aluminium present provides shocking results. (

5. Those who took the PCR test are just as vulnerable as those vaccinated. The PCR test contained DARPA Hydrogel Nano Technology. See: PCR Test Swabs Found Loaded With DARPA Hydrogel and Lithium – HopeGirl Blog

6. The Mask was infected with a synthetic lifeform called Morgellons. Morgellons on face mask (

7. 100 % of blood samples tested by multiple doctors show graphene contamination including children.

8. Multiple Doctors including peer-reviewed documents state that those vaccinated have a max of 2 to 7 years to live if they do not detox or find a cure. See:

How Long Do The Vaccinated Have To Live? Agent Midnight Rider – Red Emperor Collective (

American Heart Association Report: Vax Spike Proteins Will Kill 50% of Youth, All Others With 1 Shot & Booster Most Will be Dead by 2027

There’s a new peer-reviewed research paper out regarding the COVID Vax. It’s bad. How bad? I’ve shown it to two physicians so far. One said he “had a seizure” reading it. The other said something worse.

Long story short: 436 BILLION copies of spike protein are found circulating freely in blood plasma, a month after the COVID (Gene therapy) vaccine.

In kids.

Their hearts, screeching in pain with Myocarditis, will never fully recover.

You knew that, didn’t you? But there is more than that . . . The graphic below, from this new study, shows the medical and scientific evidence: (several charts and at source)

See Peer Reviewed Document

Note: Doctor Robert Young says that 90% of these children will be dead by 2025

9. There are various Detox and Cures that are being tested now by Dr. Robert Young and other researchers. The most promising ones are, vitamin C infusions, CBDA & CBDG, Glutathione infusions, Clay, Alkaline Treatments, Sound Frequency Therapy, and EMP pulse.

10. The truth about the vaccines is slowly being released by multiple news sources including this post by Trump today on Truth Social.

Deborah Birx Openly Admits to Lying About the COVID Vaccines to Manipulate the American People – RedState

THCA4CHEAP.COM THCA Affiliate Program


11. Vaccinated Parents are shedding the graphene to their unvaccinated children.  See:

shedding To Non Vaccinated Children




Archived courtesy of Hal Turner Radio Show – 435,897,435,897 Free Roaming Spike Protein Molecules After COVID Vax Booster – Their Hearts Will NEVER Fully Recover from the “Vax”

Full Peer-Reviewed American Heart Association Article

435,897,435,897 Free Roaming Spike Protein Molecules After COVID Vax Booster – Their Hearts Will NEVER Fully Recover from the “Vax”

American Heart Association Report: Vax Spike Proteins Will Kill 50% of Youth, All Others With 1 Shot & Booster Most Will be Dead by 2027


There’s a new peer-reviewed research paper out regarding the COVID Vax. It’s bad. How bad? I’ve shown it to two physicians so far. One said he “had a seizure” reading it. The other said something worse.

Long story short: 436 BILLION copies of spike protein are found circulating freely in blood plasma, a month after the COVID (Gene therapy) vaccine.

Peer Reviewed American Association Article

There’s a new peer-reviewed research paper out regarding the COVID Vax.  It’s bad. How bad? I’ve shown it to two physicians so far. One said he “had a seizure” reading it. The other said something worse. Long story short: 436 BILLION copies of spike protein are found circulating freely in blood plasma, a month after the COVID (Gene therapy) vaccine.  In kids. Their hearts, screeching in pain with Myocarditis, will never fully recover. You knew that, didn’t you? But there is more than that. The graphic below, from this new study, shows the medical and scientific evidence:



Below is the damning part of the graphic. The vertical scale is a log scale. The line at about 15pg/ml is the limit of detection, which is why the blue dots are there. There are still up to 100 billion molecules of the spike in those patients – 20 days later.




But in some of these cases the concentration of spike is RISING 20 days after vaccination (see the red lines going up), so we have no idea how much is actually circulating. Spike is toxic, particularly to the heart. If it’s not toxic, why do we need a “vaccine” against it?





The authors of this new peer-reviewed study claim that the mean serum level of free spike protein in patients with myocarditis was 34pg/ml. (There was less in the non-affected patients, but there was still a lot) How many molecules is that? Well, there is about 3000ml of plasma in a 70kg male…

And the molecular weight of a spike protein monomer is 141kDa. That’s 2.34 e-19 grams. So 34pg/ml x 3000ml is a total of 102ng (102e-9) of the spike. Divide by 2.34e-19 gives you… 435,897,435,897 molecules. Of a toxic protein. Circulating in a young adult.

It’s worth noting also that the blue dots in the graphic don’t indicate “no spike” – they are the lower limits of detection at 15pg/ml. That’s a lot of spikes.



BUT… There are two other things that have come out of this paper.

The first is that the amount of spike protein circulating in the PLASMA (when we were told it didn’t leave the arm, remember) weeks after the injection is shocking. So this . . .

was a lie:


lied too

Yes, what you see above . . .  what we were all TOLD . . .  was a  L I E.

The whole article in from their “Researcher” @vasssssso was in fact a lie, so we’ve archived it. The claims in that article made by the authors have likely resulted in the deaths of young adults. Look at the “partners” for the article – including RMIT again.

strategic properties



But the worst thing about this new peer-reviewed myocarditis study is this – and you might not have realized. The study showed, beyond a shadow of doubt, that the COVID “vaccine” was causing myocarditis, with elevated troponin (confirming heart damage).



Troponin is an enzyme given off by cardiac cells when they are injured or dying.  That’s how Doctors can tell if a person is having a heart attack over a panic attack.  If its an actual heart attack, there will be measurable Troponin in the blood.  In cases of myocarditis, Troponin also occurs as heart cells are severely damaged -or dying – by the Spike Proteins.

You know, sometimes people have to do something BAD, to achieve something good.   And this is no exception.   You see, when the people doing this new peer-reviewed study saw the first few cases of Myocarditis, they should have STOPPED the study and sounded the alarm right away.   You see, that was their duty.  It was the duty of medical officers and as research officers. But to our knowledge, they said nothing and kept recruiting for the study!

What mattered (to them) was finishing the study so they could publish. Of course, from the home of the #surgisphere authors, what else would you expect?

This is the environment they operate in:


For those who want to read the ORIGINAL, full, complete, unedited peer-reviewed study, you can get it HERE. 

Note# The Article has been put behind a Pay Firewall,

You can download the PDF at the link below. Note This Peer Reviewed Document is directly from The American Heart Association. You can contact them here

The American Heart Association






First, this study was done and submitted for “peer review” on May 26, 2022.    It was ACCEPTED for publication (after peer review) on November 23, 2022.    So, the world has known, as a matter of scientific research, these details, since May of last year.  Yet no one called for Vaccines to be HALTED. They had scientific proof the vaccines were causing heart damage . . . myocarditis . . . which, incidentally, has a FIFTY PERCENT mortality rate within five years, and they said . . .  nothing.

Want to know why?  MONEY.

They can’t admit it’s potentially harmful and deadly.
They can’t suddenly stop the shots; To do so would be an admission of guilt.
So, they’ll continue, pretending everything’s fine. In other words, doubling down on stupid.  All those kids coming down with Myocarditis, have a fifty-fifty chance of DYING within the next five years.   Oh, and the rest who took the vaccine and at least the first booster, the way things look right now, most of them (statistically) will be dead by the year 2027.


I had world-class scientist Doctor Young review the full peer-reviewed American Heart Association article to verify its contents and conclusions.


Operation Young Blood in collaboration with Doctor Robert Young is creating a free searchable database of live and dry blood tests from vaccinated and unvaccinated. patients on our website which will be available for free for all scientists and doctors worldwide along with the general public. Our goal is to get as many samples as possible and test detox methods to find solutions for people to remove the poison from their bodies. As of now, we are charging $299.00 per live blood test or dry blood test. We have a $100 discount that will end on February 4, 2023. We have discounts for low-income clients also. We are trying to get the cost down to under $75 dollars per test and hope to offer that in the future. We are asking for those who can afford it to enter our program, especially those who have children in the house who are unvaccinated and especially those children who are vaccinated. We will share all the results of before and after blood tests and make them available to the public for free. We will never charge people for a protocol this is being done for the future of humanity. We are dealing with an evil sinister system that is blocking and hiding this kind of life-saving information, so we are asking all of you to share this information with as many friends and family members as possible. You can also tell them to go to Bing! and type Operation Young Blood for more information. Thank you for your time.